HealthBeauty-Products (™) Essential oils 6 units kit
HealthBeauty-Products (™) Essential oils 6 units kit
Enhance your well-being with our Essential Oils 6-unit kit! This kit includes 6 unique essential oils, each offering their own beneficial properties. Whether you need relaxation, rejuvenation, or relief, our kit has you covered! (Plus, the bottles are adorable!)
Keep these oils at home and you will have everything you need to help treat your and your family's physical ailments, invigorate your mind and body, and prevent disease by protecting your home from viruses, fungi and bacteria. Improve your life with these six powerful essential oils:
Peppermint: the main essential oil for mental clarity and digestive ailments;
Sweet Orange: the essential oil of joy;
Lavender: The Queen of Essential Oils, the all-healing oil;
Lemongrass: the solution to achieve mental clarity;
Rosemary: the oil of breath, it purifies and invigorates mind and body;
Tea tree: Complete for the health of the body.
Each of these essential oils is famous for its functions. However, they all have different properties and act on various systems of the human body and mind. Some can be combined, such as Lavender with Tea Tree or Peppermint and Sweet Orange.